About us

Established in 1976, ClubsACT is an industry association recognised by ACT Government and its agencies as the principal representative for the ACT Club movement.

ClubsACT members are a vital part of the Canberra community and contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to the Canberra economy each year whilst employing more than 1,700 locals.

Our aim is to be a reasonable and effective advocate for clubs. To promote policies which maintain a dynamic and prosperous club sector, in addition to enhancing the club experience for the broader community.

In this capacity, ClubsACT makes submissions and representations to the Government and its agencies on all issues that affect the club movement.

ClubsACT provides a range of services to our members including utility (energy) offers, workplace relations advice and assistance to club administration. ClubsACT also produces publications, conducts seminars and holds networking events including an annual ‘Clubs & Community Awards’ dinner to recognise and celebrate the achievements of ACT Clubs.

Through our Corporate Partner program, we offer companies the opportunity to engage with the club sector and develop relationships which provides opportunities for business growth.


ClubsACT board of directors

President : Kim Marshall

Paul Berger

Simon Patterson

Maurice Reilly

David Paull

Daisy Matsika

Jim Aravanis

Trevor Melksham

Kacey Evans

Mark Copley

Ian Cameron

Allison Stanhope

Garrett Purtill

Our team

Clubsact staff

Chief Executive

Craig Shannon

Operations Manager

Kate Palmer

Events & Administration Support

Mai Larson


Get in touch

Office4D / 16 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600
MailPO Box 4579 Kingston Act 2604
Phone(02) 6273 4694

Contact From